I regret that Gaseq is no longer being maintained. It was originally written in Visual Basic 3 on Windows 3.1 and there have been about 6 versions of Windows since. So currently the help file does not work (but see below) and there are some other malfunctions that sometimes show themselves. The program really needs to be rewritten in a modern language that can be maintained, but I am unlikely to do this. Quite a large number of people still use Gaseq and you may find that it will still do what you need, but I probably can't help if it doesn't.
If you do choose to use Gaseq, be sure to replace the gaseq.exe file provided by the installer with an updated version, as described on the Downloads page.
Jörg Scheuerlein has pointed out that Microsoft now provide a download for recent Windows versions that allows the Help file in Gaseq to work again. Use Internet Explorer (preferably) to open http://support.microsoft.com/kb/917607 and follow the instructions.
A Chemical Equilibrium
Program for Windows
An easy way to do combustion equilibrium
calculations, such as:
- What is the temperature of a stoichiometric
propane/oxygen flame?
- How much do I have to compress air to cause its
temperature to rise to 500K?
- What is the equilibrium concentration of chlorine atoms
in chlorine gas at 1000K?
- Given the rate constant for H + O2 = OH + O,
what is the rate of the reverse reaction?
- What is the temperature and pressure behind a Mach 10
shock in oxygen?
Gaseq was written as a Microsoft Windows
program with an easy interface:
- The whole problem is displayed on one screen (see screenshot example);
- The data, the reactants, products, temperatures,
pressures, properties,etc., are all on view and ready for
you to modify
Several different types of problem can be
- Composition at a defined temperature and pressure
- Adiabatic temperature and composition at constant
- Composition at a defined temperature and at constant
- Adiabatic temperature and composition at constant volume
- Adiabatic compression and expansion
- defined final temperature (Frozen chemistry)
- defined final pressure (Frozen or equilibrium
- defined volume ratio (Frozen or equilibrium
- Equilibrium constant calculations
- calculates stoichiometric coefficients
- provides an expression describing the temperature
ependence of the equilibrium constant
- calculates reverse reaction rate from forward
- Shock calculations (see the note on the limitations of these)
- post shock temperature, pressure, and composition
from shock speed
- equilibrium or frozen chemistry
- incident or reflected shocks
- Chapman-Jouget detonation velocities
You can:
- Automatically increment any of the problem parameters
- Save the results in a spreadsheet (requires Excel)
- Define mixtures and use as a single species
- Calculate equilibrium while specifying concentrations of
unreactive species, e.g. soot
- Handle "super-equilibrium" radical
- Enter and display species concentrations in mass as well
as molar units
- Calculate viscosities and thermal conductivities of
mixtures of gases
- Use multiple thermodynamic database files in a standard
NASA polynomial format
- Generate fitted NASA polynomials from thermodynamic data
Gaseq is intended primarily for gas phase calculations,
although there is a limited facility for condensed phases such as
soot.. Use another program if you are interested in metallurgy or
aquatic chemistry, etc.
You can download this version of
Gaseq for your personal use. It is intended as research tool and
the responsibility for the accuracy or correctness of any results
lies with you.